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MedCruise leads discussion on the role of the LNG in the cruise industry

MedCruise leads discussion on the role of the LNG in the cruise industry - Κεντρική Εικόνα


MedCruise, represented by its President Airam Diaz Pastor, led the discussions in the VI GASNAM Congress -the Iberian association for compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) as alternative fuels for road, railway and maritime transportation- that took place on 11th and 12th of April 2018 in Madrid.

MedCruise President took part in a discussion panel and gave a presentation titled The role of the LNG in the cruise industry. MedCruise has early recognised the importance of studying collectively the use of alternative source of energy by the cruise industry and in particular the use of LNG by cruise vessels. Therefore, a Working Group has been formed to advance the work on this direction. Sharing best practices with European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) and cruise lines in order to study the supply of LNG by ports in the Med and its adjoining seas is a necessity.

In the 52nd MedCruise General Assembly to be held 23-26 of May in Valletta, Malta, LNG supply in cruise industry will be on the centre of discussions with the participation of ports, cruise lines executives and other relevant players to set the way forward.

From R-L:  Paz Valiente (Director of Environment, Sustainability and Mobility at Madrid City Council), Mateu Marcús Fiol (Director of EMT Palma), Eugenia Sillero (Secretary General of GASNAM), Airam Díaz Pastor (President of MedCruise), Raul Cascajo (Head of Environmental policies at Valencia Port Authority)