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Cruise to Thessaloniki!

Cruise to Thessaloniki! - Κεντρική Εικόνα


Cruise tο Thessaloniki !

Thessaloniki metropolitan area is a modern European and multicultural city at the centre of Northern Greece and the main south gateway to Balkan and Eastern Europe. Thessaloniki, with a history of more than 2.500 years, has been a crossroad for different nationalities and faiths, the traces of which are still to be seen in the city’s many monuments – the distinctive features of its historic centre as well as in the stories and traditions of its people. 

The city has a very pleasant atmosphere, a blend of western civilization and eastern influences and is close to natural beauty spots and endless emeraldgreenshores less than an hour away.  The White Tower is widely regarded as the symbol of Thessaloniki and has been standing for six centuries on the city’s waterfront. 

Thessaloniki’s well known for its culture and can offer to the visitors a fascinating journey into art and civilization through  its museums, galleries and unique monuments. In addition, Thessaloniki is renowned for its lively nightlife and is considered to be the gastronomic capital of Greece, with famous restaurants and many local specialties.

Moreover, Thessaloniki as regional destination is close to unique historical areas. Vergina, the capital of the ancient Macedonian Kingdom is an  UNESCO World Heritage site. The archaeological site includes the tomb of Philip II, father of Alexander  the Great.  The archaeological site of Dion at Mount Olympus, the homeland of the twelve gods of ancient Greeks, and the nearby Archaeological museum are alsoworth visiting. Athos Peninsula with twenty monasteries and a monastic population is a unique site.

The natural beauties and crystal clear waters of the beaches of Chalkidiki and Pieria are incomparable tourist destinations.  Today more than ever, Thessaloniki is in position to offer its cruise visitors unique and unforgettable experiences.

Must see tourist attractions

  • The White Tower (15min walk)
  • Archeological Museum (20min walk)
  • Petralona cave (40min by bus)
  • Pella archaeological site (50min by bus)
  • Mount Olympus (90min by bus)

Port Facts

Maximum ship dimensions for berth

Length: 370mtr
Width: no limit
Draught: max 8mtr



Available: yes
Ship tenders allowed: yes
Tugs available: yes, 50 tons bollard pull
Tidal movement/range: no




Total number of quays: 3
Total length of quays: 630mtr
Quay depth: max 8.7mtr, min 8mtr
Passenger terminals: yes



City centre: port is in the centre of the city, 10mins walk
Airport: International Airport of Thessaloniki – 16km
Train station: International Train Station – 1.5km
Shuttle service to city: from International Airport – every 20min


Total cruise passengers 2017: 2,424
Total cruise calls 2017: 4
Turnaround port? no



Port Contact details

Main Contact

Stella Fassa
Head of Strategic Planning, Marketing & Sales Department
P: +30 2310 593 323
F: +30 2310 530 729

Other Contact

Iakovos Kailis
Deputy PFSO
P: +30 2310 590 591
F: +30 2310 593 590

Mailing Address

Thessaloniki Port Authority S.A.
Administration Building
Pier No 1, Port of Thessaloniki
PO Box: 10467, PC GR54012
P: +30 2310 593 120
F: +30 2310 510 500