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Cruise Partner of the Week: Medov S.r.l.

Cruise Partner of the Week: Medov S.r.l. - Κεντρική Εικόνα


Medov S.r.l

Medov’s history began in 1947 when the shipping agency started activity in Genoa with a basic interest in the cruise business. Thanks to the experience and take over from the Genoese Schenone family. Medov has widened its range of services coming to cover practically all different fields in the shipping world, either directly or through controlled companies, in all Italian, French and Corsican ports. Medov has a wide network of sub-agencies.


Contact details

Main Contact

Janette Petty de Reddel
Cruise Business Development Manager
E janette.reddel@medov.it
P +39 0766 189 8215
M +39 331 355 0706

Other contact
Capt. Marco Vignolo
Chief Operations Officer
E marco.vignolo@medov.it
P +39 0105 490 538

Mailing Address
Medov srl
Via Scarsellini, 119
16149 Genoa, Italy
E info@medov.it
W www.medov.it
P +39 0105 4901