Port Members
Associate Members

The mission of MedCruise Association is to promote the cruise industry in the Mediterranean and its adjoining seas.
MedCruise Association has two types of members, Regular members – ports in the Mediterranean region and adjacent seas that manage cruises – and companies that are engaged in the cruise sector and provide services to these ports – Associate Members.
Today, the Association has grown to represent more than 154 ports around the Mediterranean region, including the Black Sea, the Red Sea and the Near Atlantic, plus 57 associate members, representing other associations, tourist boards, ship/port agents and cruise industry related companies.
Membership benefits
- Representation at major Cruise Shipping events
- Meeting Cruise Lines (B2B meetings) / Networking with fellow members during the two MedCruise General Assemblies
- Annual Professional Development Courses complimentary to members
- MedCruise Studies (Statistics, Fact finding)
- Access to the Cruise Line Directory
- Inclusion in Key directories
- Promotion via the MedCruise website & the Association’s presence in social media
- Several opportunities to network with other members, exchange experiences, and share / develop best practices
- MedCruise online community! #MembersTogether
- Relations with other Associations and links with European and International Institutions
for New Regular Members
MedCruise Constitution – Article IV.1.7
The procedure to become a MedCruise member shall be as follows:
- Applications for membership shall be submitted to the Secretary General.
- The Secretary General shall study if the applicant meets the requirements and shall do a report to be presented to the Board of Directors.
- Any such election to membership shall be considered and subsequently approved or otherwise by the Board of Directors.
- The General Assembly shall make the final decision about the membership.
- After this approval, the applicant shall become a Regular member when he does the corresponding payments.
for New Associate Members
MedCruise Constitution – Article IV.2.6
The procedure to become a MedCruise Associate member shall be as follows:
- Applications for membership shall be submitted to the Secretary General with a letter of the corresponding Regular member seconding the membership.
- The Secretary General will study if the applicant meets the requirements and he will do a report to be presented to the Board of Directors.
- Any such election to membership shall be considered and subsequently approved or otherwise by the Board of Directors.
- The General Assembly shall make the final decision about the membership.
- After this approval, the applicant shall become an Associate member when he does the corresponding payments.