On 26 February 2021 Croatian Civil Protection Headquarters has reached a decision allowing cruise calls in Croatian ports without previous capacity restrictions, effective 1 March 2021.
In relation to the above-mentioned decision, please be informed that Stay Safe in Croatia is the new national safety label by the Ministry of Tourism and the Croatian National Tourist Board.
Find out more about the national safety label – Safe Stay in Croatia on the official website www.safestayincroatia.hr and please visit the following link: https://www.safestayincroatia.hr/en/protocols/travel-transfer
Railway stations and ports
1. General rules for employees
- informing and training employees on the implementation of procedures for to protect employees and guests and procedures in case of infection of employees or guests
- physical distance (especially employees who are in contact with visitors of other employees)
- wearing protective masks
- body temperature check at the beginning of a work shift
- hand disinfection as often as possible when hands are not visibly dirty, washing and disinfection when hands are visibly dirty, and disinfecting work surfaces several times a day
- limit the number of people in indoor settings
- regularly ventilate all spaces
- in case of suspected health problems, refer employees to their doctors
2. General rules for travelers and visitors
- wearing protective masks
- disinfecting hands upon entering the facility
- physical distancing
- comply with the direction of travel through the passenger terminal
3. General rules for railway stations and ports
- provide additional information and assistance from trained staff
- indicate in particular the direction of movement through the passenger terminal
- in the terminal place posters and information displays about hygienic measures and procedures, make regular announcements and video notifications on screens as a reminder to maintain physical distancing and washing and disinfecting hands
- provide contactless disinfection dispensers at various points in the passenger terminal
- install protective transparent partitions on counters, which includes all commercial facilities and services of the terminal (shops, catering facilities, exchange offices, ticket sales, parking, rent-a-car agencies, etc.)
- make available the purchase of protective masks and hand sanitizer
- ensure proper disposal of used face masks and gloves
4. Cleaning
- regular disinfection of common areas, paying special attention to equipment and places that are frequently touched
- regular ventilation of all spaces
- increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfection of sanitary facilities – every two hours or more often
- regular cleaning and disinfection of filters for air conditioning, ventilation, and heating
5. Catering and commercial content
- apply protocols for catering facilities, general measures for the prevention of COVID-19 and cooperate with partners who have a safety label
Mooring on waterways
1. General rules for employees
- Training employees on the implementation of procedures to protect themselves and tourists and on procedures in case of the infection of an employee or tourist
- physical distance (especially employees who are in contact with tourists from other employees)
- wearing protective masks
- measuring body temperature
- hand disinfection as often as possible when hands are not visibly dirty, washing and disinfection when hands are visibly dirty, and disinfecting work surfaces several times a day
- limited number of people in indoor settings
- boarding and disembarking tourists in groups from the boat
2. General rules for visitors
- wearing protective masks in all common areas (ports, buses, tourist attractions and catering facilities at the destination)
- hand disinfection when entering all facilities at the destination
- limit the number of people in common areas of the port during unloading and embarkation
- physical distancing
- body temperature check when boarding passengers (mandatory for the ship’s crew)
3. Cleaning
- regular disinfection of the spaces and equipment at the port that tourists and employees may have touched
- provide disinfectants at the entrance and exit of the pier
- provide disinfection of barriers at the entrance and exit of the pier
- regular ventilation of all enclosed spaces at the pier
- use of disposable materials (paper towels) in sanitary facilities
- regular cleaning and disinfection of filters for air conditioning, ventilation, and heating
1. General rules for employees
- wearing protective masks (indoors and when handing over vehicles)
- body temperature check at the beginning of a work shift
- limit the number of people in indoor settings
- physical distancing
- hand disinfection as often as possible when hands are not visibly dirty, washing and disinfection when hands are visibly dirty, and disinfecting work surfaces several times a day
2. General rules for renters
- disinfect hands when entering the shop
- wear protective masks (in a closed space and at handover of a vehicle)
- physical distancing
3. Office
- at the entrance, display important information and instructions on how to behave
- provide disinfectant at the entrance
- Plexiglas partitions between employees and customers
4. Vehicles
- disinfect all surfaces in the vehicle before and after rental