Cape Verde: Mindelo will soon have a modern and innovative Cruise Terminal


The Mindelo Cruise Terminal, which is already in its final stages of construction, is located in one of the most beautiful bays in the world – Porto Grande, in São Vicente Island, Cape Verde’s largest port, which has maintained its tradition of serving international shipping and is increasingly establishing itself as an important port of call for cruise ships in the mid-Atlantic.

Expected to be completed later this year, the Terminal has a 400 meters long berthing bay with a depth of up to 11 meters, with the capacity to accommodate two ships at the same time, and a Welcome Building with an area of around 900 m² for welcoming and processing visitors, as well as a dedicated area for administrative services.

The Mindelo Cruise Terminal is an innovative, modern, technically advanced and financially sustainable project with onshore power supply technology, which will help to decarbonize port operations.

The work is co-financed by the ORIO Fund, from the Netherlands, and the OPEC Fund (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) for International Development.

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