International Tourism Fair (FITUR)
MedCruise will participate for the first time in FITUR 2020 (22-26 January) at the Technology and Sustainability Forum. This event is linked to the introduction of the concept of sustainable tourism from its three fundamental points of view:
The environment, economy and society.
This year’s approach revolves around how the small movements in favour of sustainability in different parts of the world are giving rise to a worldwide transformation in people’s global thinking, which in turn is moving, with increasing force, to the different members of the tourism sector, accommodations, destinations, transport, etc., in order to adopt new guidelines for action to establish the sustainable concept and the Circular Economy in the development of tourism activity.
MedCruise has been invited to participate in a roundtable discussion to be held on the morning of January 22nd taking place at the FITURTECHY space Pavilion 10 – B 03-05 – FITUR. Ifema (Madrid).
The debate table will take place around 12:45 on Wednesday 22 January. It will last approximately 60 minutes and will be held under the title “Cruise Tourism and Destination Management”, addressing how cruise tourism has evolved towards sustainability and how it is possible, in alliance with destinations, to manage the impacts derived from this increasingly demanding activity.
Moderator: Manuel López. Consejero delegado. Grupo Intermundial
- Alfredo Serrano. Director general. Cruise Line International Association CLIA.
- Airam Díaz. Presidente. MedCruise Association
- Christopher Imbsen. Director of Destination Stewardship. World Travel & Tourism Council
- Jelka Tepšić. Vicealcaldesa. Ayuntamiento de Dubrovnic
- Xavier Suñol. Director de Turismo. Ayuntamiento de Barcelona
More info HERE: https://www.ifema.es/en/fitur