The twinning of the Heraklion Port Organization (OLI) with the Terminal of Napoli, Italy, was carried out with great success and solemnity, confirming the excellent and solid relations and bonds of friendship that exist between the two countries.
The Managing Director of the Napoli Terminal, Mr. Tomaso Cognolato, and the Professor of University of Napoli Parthenope Ms. Assunta Di Vaio, were welcomed on Wednesday, July 20, 2022, at the main building of OLI, by the Managing Director of OLI, Mr. Minas Papadakis, the President Mr. Ioannis Vardavas and members of the Administration of the Port of Heraklion Organization where a working meeting with specific agenda was made. Then following the ceremony schedule, the Managing Director of OLI Mr. Minas Papadakis accompanied the Italian delegation to the Historical Building of the Municipality of Heraklion where the Twinning Protocol was co-signed and ratified by the Managing Director Mr. Minas Papadakis and by the Managing Director of Napoli Terminal Mr. Tomaso Cognolato, which is an outreach initiative, opening a new chapter in the history of friendship and further cooperation between the two Ports.
With the Twinning Protocol signing, the Managing Director of OLI, Mr. Minas Papadakis, stated that “the Twinning Memorandum that we signed at the Town Hall, seals and endorsed what is completely obvious. The Port of Heraklion and the Terminal of Napoli, Italy officially launch a long and fruitful partnership. Both our port-cities and communities, are connected by strong historical, educational and philosophical common roads, with centuries-old Minoan and Venetian Culture & Civilizations and which were then bound by the conditions for global at these times sea rule with the dominance of Shipping throughout the Mediterranean especially during the period of Venetian rule, with Crete becoming the main pole in the economic and military strategy and Candia the administrative center and the main port gateway of the island”.
Today both ports serve a huge number of ferry and cruise passengers and at the same time facing the same challenges, focus on a operational strategy implementation for the coming years regarding sustainable development and the green transition.
In this context, Mr. Papadakis mentioned that the cooperation between the two ports of Heraklion and the Terminal of Napoli, Italy, which begins today with the signing of the Twinning Memorandum, will contribute multileveled and escalated results for both Port organizations, opening cooperation ways and joint actions, as well as seeking common solutions, such as the know-how transfer as well as, the experience exchange to promote an upgraded role in green transition issues but also for other crucial issues with the implementation of programs and actions for the sustainable economic and tourism development.
The Managing Director of Napoli Terminal in his speech, pointed out that this great opportunity finds our port communities more mature and wised than ever, prioritizing the challenges ahead and having as an operational tool the twinning memorandum. We call all involved parties from the maritime community and not only, to use this as an open platform for sustainable business and action gaining benefits and positive results for all.
Professor Mrs. Assunta Di Vaio stated that the maritime academic community of two citi-ports must be among the main partners of this initiative, providing full support for research, technology and operational implementation, starting the soonest an open dialogue for action with the community members focusing also for the E.U. involvement.
The twinning event was honored with their presence and with short greetings by the Eminence Archbishop of Crete, Mr. Irenaios, the Member of Parliament for Heraklion Mr. Senetakis, the representative of the Minister of Culture and Sports Mr. Avgenakis, the Deputy Governor of Crete Mr. Syrigonakis, the Mayor of Heraklion Mr. Lambrinos, the representative of the MEP Mr. Kefalogiannis, the Vice Consul of Italy in Heraklion Mr. Paolo Partolozzi, representatives of the Crete University and Research Institutions, representative of the Authorities, Organizations and Bodies based in Heraklion, etc.
A congratulatory letter was sent by the Ambassador of Italy in Greece, Mrs. Patrizia Faccinelli, in which is stated and emphasized about the strong connection and cooperation between the two Ports of Napoli and Heraklion, which are always at the forefront of Europe’s maritime traffic, due to their strategic position, which makes them maritime business hubs for the Eastern and Western Mediterranean respectively.
The Italian delegation had the opportunity during the three days stay and besides the very intensive daily working schedule in Heraklion, to get to know the historical, cultural, social and culinary identity of the city of Heraklion and Crete in general, promoting the friendship, fellowship, solidarity, and cooperation.
Next step of twinning agenda between the two Ports will announce shortly.