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MedCruise formalises partnership with ASCAME in promoting cruise

MedCruise formalises partnership with ASCAME in promoting cruise - Κεντρική Εικόνα


MedCruise and the Association of Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME) signed today a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) establishing a framework for cooperation that will contribute to the development of the Mediterranean region by strengthening the role of cruise ports in the Med and its adjoining seas.

The MOU was signed by Carla Salvadό, MedCruise President, and Mohamed Choucair, President of the Association of Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry, during the inaugural session of the 8th edition of the Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders that is taking place in Barcelona, Spain.

Through this MoU, MedCruise  and ASCAME will intensify their cooperation and support the growing cruise industry as a facilitator for the economic and social development of the region.

This MoU contains a number of initiatives to be undertaken by the two associations, including the exchange of knowledge and best practices, the collaboration in the framework of ongoing and future international projects in the Mediterranean region, and collaboration in organizing or participating in bilateral meetings, events and workshops linking strategic sectors of mutual interest such as Mediterranean ports, transport & logistics and tourism.

Carla Salvadό, who was joined at the event by Maria Cano, MedCruise Vice-President, said after the sigining of MOU:  “We are pleased to formalise the cooperation with a partner having the credentials of ASCAME. MedCruise and ASCAME will contribute to the creation of an efficient and sustainable network with the final aim to support cruise activities in the Mediterranean region, its people and its businesses all over the world”.

“Our Association, accelerates its work to bring more cruise visitors to our region. MedCruise is commited to develop an investment-friendly environment and thus foster initiatives in the Mediterranean region and its adjoining seas in order to establish a stable, sustainable and long-lasting cruise growth. We are firm believers that this can be achieved via collaboration with all stakeholders and will continue toward this direction” concluded Carla Salvadό.


ASCAME is the association of Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry. Founded in 1982, and today its membership stance at more than 300 Chambers of Commerce and other associated bodies from 23 countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea.  The main mission of ASCAME is to create a network of Chambers of Commerce and organizations working in the field of cooperation and economic exchange between countries in the Mediterranean, aimed to the social and economic development of the region.
MedCuise is the association of the Mediterranean Cruise Ports. Established in 1996, the association has grown to 73 members representing more than 100 ports around the Mediterranean region, including the Black Sea, the Red Sea and the Near Atlantic, plus 32 associate members, representing other associations, tourist boards and ship/port agents. Its mission is to promote the cruise industry in the Mediterranean and its adjoining seas by providing networking, promotional, and professional development opportunities.
For more information, please contact:
Thanos Pallis, MedCruise Secretary General, thanos.pallis@medcruise.com
and/ or the MedCruise Secretariat, secretariat@medcruise.com