MedCruise in Brussels: High-level meetings advance a pan-European agenda promoting cruise and maritime tourism

MedCruise in Brussels: High-level meetings advance a pan-European agenda promoting cruise and maritime tourism - Κεντρική Εικόνα


MedCruise and European Commission officials from four different Directorates met in Brussels and discussed the best way to advance a pan-European agenda promoting cruise and maritime tourism in Europe and neighbouring countries.

Following an invitation by the European Commission, Carla Salvadó, MedCruise President, and Thanos Pallis, MedCruise Secretary General, traveled to Brussels and presented the trends and current prospects of cruise in the Med and its adjoining seas. They also detailed strategic actions and policy initiatives that would promote in essence the growth and sustainability of cruise in the region and beyond.

MedCruise expressed to European officials representing the Directorate General (DG) for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the DG for Mobility and Transport, the DG for Enterprise and Industry, and the DG for the Environment, its satisfaction for the fact that the Commission has acknowledged the potential of cruise growth and endorsed a relevant agenda.

It also welcomed the willingness of the European Commission to establish a European form where MedCruise and other ports associations, CLIA, and other stakeholders will work together advancing their common interests.

The Association of cruise ports in the Med and its adjoining seas will actively contribute to the conference organised by the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium, on 5-6 March 2015 that will launch of the Pan-European Dialogue between cruise ports operators, and coastal tourism stakeholders.

The European Commission is exploring the best ways to develop synergies in the cruise sector, targeting best practice sharing in innovation, competitiveness and sustainability strategies. MedCruise has happily accepted the invitation of European institutions to be an active contributor. We are looking forward to work further with high level officials of the Commission, as well as other EU institutions, shaping and jointly promoting a structural dialogue bringing ports, cruise operators and coastal tourism stakeholders. This discussion will help us finding solutions to challenges, and achieve growth potential”, says MedCruise President Carla Salvadó.


Photo L-R: Cinzia de Marzo (Tourism Policy, DG for Enterprise and Industry), Rhona Fairgrieve (Marine Environment & Water Industry, DG for the Environment), Thanos Pallis(Secretary General, MedCruise), Franz Lamplmair (Mediterranean and Black Sea, DG for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries), Carla Salvadó (President, MedCruise) and Josep Casanovas(Maritime Transport and Logistics Unit (D.1), DG for Mobility and Transport)