MedCruise welcomes ESPO move to advance cruise ports collaboration

MedCruise welcomes ESPO move to advance cruise ports collaboration - Κεντρική Εικόνα


MedCruise welcomes the announcement of the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) decision to work in collaboration with MedCruise and other regional cruise port organisations in order to increase the awareness on cruise and ferry ports and promote best practices in the sector.

It also welcomes the ESPO wish to highlight ports’ perspectives in relevant European policy debates and engage in a constructive debate with the associations representing cruise lines or other stakeholders involved in cruise.

MedCruise works already to advance the collaboration with cruise lines and the association representing them. It will continue to do so for the benefit of its 70 port members in the Med and its adjoining seas. The ESPO move adds to these efforts. By uniting the voices of regional associations it strengthens the voice of cruise ports at continental level while respective associations address local and regional issues.

This concrete step allows policy-makers and our business partners particularly cruise lines and their association to identify reliable and effective partners in discussing the prospects of the sector both at continental and regional level.

This is a key move in the representation of the interests of cruise ports. It will undoubtedly help both our European and non-European members of MedCruise to see positive policies and emerging and enjoy the benefits of the effective advocacy of their interests through port associations.

You might read the full ESPO statement here