On behalf of MedCruise, the Association of Mediterranean Cruise Ports, and in particular at this time on a very personal note, I would like to thank you for the messages of condolence, support and encouragement that we have received over the last few days. The messages have in particular been received from some cruise lines, our members, port authorities that are not members of the Association and other international organisations.
The earthquakes that have affected Türkiye and Syria registered as 7.8 and 7.5 were massive for many reasons;
- The area affected by the earthquake is the same area which can be compared to the size of the United Kingdom, or Romania or Greece and Portugal combined. It is the first time that an earthquake has impacted such a vast area.
- It was as strong as the energy released by several nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima. According to La Repubblica newspaper it is 1 thousand times more than the earthquake in Amatrice in 2016.
- The earthquake was felt as far away as Cyprus and Lebanon, both about 400km from the epicentre.
- Thousands of buildings are on ground zero and 14million persons are affected.
- It caused a fracture of 130km to 180km
In the face of these tragedies, we must pull together as one. This Association has always been a family and we are once again proud to have seen the reaction of support that all our colleagues have had towards this terrible event.
I know that we are doing all that we can at a local and international level to assist those in need at this time, and for that we are very grateful.
In addition, if you would like to provide further help, please search for all the official organisations and bodies that have already established ways in which you may donate or assist otherwise.
As example we are providing some links that can be of help:
Our hearts go out to all those who have been affected by the earthquakes and once again we thank you for your support.

#PortsTogether #MedCruiseAid #1Heart4All #Türkiye #TurkiyeEarthquake