Valeria Mangiarotti appointed president of the commission Cruise and Ferry Port Network of ESPO


Valeria Mangiarotti, MedCruise Director of Technical Environmental Solutions and Marketing Manager of Port Network Authority of the Sardinian Sea, has been appointed President of the “Cruise and Ferry Port Network” of ESPO (European Sea Ports Organization), the European organization to which the representatives of the major European ports, cruises and ferries in the sector belong.

The network acts as a link between the ESPO ports and addresses the issues of infrastructure planning, passenger services, port-city relations, the environment and security, acting as a reference point for the European Parliament and the European Commission.

The “Cruise and Ferry Port Network” is also responsible for drafting the “code of good practices” which constitutes a reference for strategies in the field of cruises and ferries.

The appointment is a new important recognition for the port network authority of the Sardinian Sea, which, once again, confirms itself as the center of the strategic choices of European policies in the cruise and passenger sector.