PNA of the Southern Adriatic Sea, Italy

During the unprecedented experience of the COVID-19 pandemic the Port Network Authority  of Southern Adriatic Sea has demonstrated to be well prepared to respond to large-and-small scale emergencies that had an impact on the five-port infrastructure by working proactively on the implementation of THEMIS Project – Territorial and Maritime Network Supporting the Small Cruises Development.

Through THEMIS Project the network has been delivering actions under the Union emblem demonstrating true innovation in a resilient period and improving social media image as it had never been able to do before, offering the public the idea of a productive and proactive and not sleepy entity. 

1. Name/title of the nominee: PNA of the Southern Adriatic Sea – (Ports of Bari, Brindisi, Manfredonia, Barletta and Monopoli)

2. A short presentation of the nomination: Here